.. _glossary: Glossary ======== .. glossary:: :sorted: translator Translator is an object to manage :term:`locales` and perform :term:`message` translation. Is represented by :class:`h10n.translator.Translator` class. locale Locale is an object which stores :term:`messages` and application-level :term:`helpers`. Locale is uniquely identified by its name -- the string in format ``xx-YY``, where ``xx`` is language identifier and ``YY`` is country one. Note, locale name is **case-sensitive**. Is represented by :class:`h10n.core.Locale` class. catalog Translation catalog or domain is a logical group of :term:`messages` of the particular :term:`locale`. Usually, represented by particular file. In the h10n, catalog objects are used to store messages and :term:`filter`-level :term:`helpers`. message Message is a translation string object. Messages are instanced from class :class:`h10n.core.Message` and stored in the :term:`catalogs`. prototype Prototype is a :term:`message` object, which is used by other ones to inherit from it. filter Is a Python callable object, which transforms input parameters before formatting :term:`message`. helper Helper is a Python callable object, which provides utility functional, such as performing pluralization, formatting dates, etc. Helpers are stored in :term:`helper namespace`. helper namespace Helper namespace is an object, which stores particular :term:`helpers` under specified aliases. Is used in the :term:`translator` for application level helpers and in the :term:`catalogs` for :term:`filter` level ones. helper factory Helper factory is a Python callable object, which returns :term:`helper` for particular :term:`locale`.